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The green economy: Re-thinking global governance

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Originally published by "Europe’s World*, Spring Issue 2012”, http://www.europesworld.org

As head of the UN’s environmental arm UNEP, Achim Steiner believes that multi-lateral governance structures are overdue for a radical overhaul

Twenty years after the Rio Earth Summit of 1992, the world is once again taking the Road to Rio, but in a world that geopolitically, socially and environmentally is markedly different from that of the late 20th century.

From women and trade unions to environmental NGOs and indigenous peoples, there is a deep-seated sense that we are living in an increasingly unequal world, and that the environmental services on which we all depend – especially the poor – are also rapidly hitting their limits as a result of decades of pollution, damage and degradation. Enlightened sections of the private sector can also see the writing on the wall, for we live on a planet where climate change and the loss of productive ecosystems can, and increasingly will, disrupt global supply chains.

Extraordinary achievements have nevertheless occurred in some areas – economically, many millions have been lifted out of poverty in places like China and India, and environmentally the world's network of protected areas has grown substantially. But for all that, the development path of these years has by-passed far too many areas; it has brought prosperity to the few rather than the majority, and is running up an ecological bill that is paid by the poor and the vulnerable every day and will ultimately have to be paid by generations to come.


Ultimo aggiornamento Mercoledì 14 Marzo 2012 11:50 Leggi tutto...

Business could use sustainable development to trigger a new industrial revolution

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Originally published by "Europe’s World*, Spring Issue 2012”  http://www.europesworld.org

More and more companies are embracing sustainability without endangering profitability, but still not enough. Gunilla Carlsson and Kris Gopalakrishnan explain why it’s a win-win corporate strategy

It may not be entirely obvious why the Swedish minister for international development co-operation and the CEO of an India-based global IT company have written this joint article. So here’s why: the goals and mandates for our respective organisations may be different, but the issues that top our agendas unite us, sustainable development and poverty reduction. We are both heavily involved in Rio +20, the 2012 UN Conference on Sustainable Development.

The issues it will touch on range from climate change to the world’s growing population, conflicts, water scarcity and energy and non-respect for human rights, all of which are having a profound impact on health, security and global growth.

Ultimo aggiornamento Sabato 03 Marzo 2012 18:17 Leggi tutto...

La città plurale. Sfide per un nuovo umanesimo

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Autore: Stefano Ceccatelli

Interessantissimo incontro mercoledì 7 febbraio allo Spazio Iris (Spazio Reale) di Campi Bisenzio con la presenza del filosofo Massimo Cacciari, del teologo Piero Coda (rettore dell’Università Sophia di Loppiano) e dell’Arcivescovo di Firenze Giuseppe Betori. Faceva gli onori di casa Don Giovanni Momigli.

Dopo una breve introduzione dell'Arcivescovo, che si è soffermato in particolare sulla natura dell'Umanesimo rinascimentale fiorentino, ha preso la parola Massimo Cacciari.

L'argomento era molto attuale e stimolante: il titolo recitava: "La città plurale. Sfide verso un nuovo umanesimo"

Cacciari ha preso le mosse dal concetto di città e dalle realizzazioni che del concetto di città si sono date nel corso dei secoli. Di fatto, ha affermato, si sono avute, storicamente, solo due tipi di città: la polis greca e la civitas romana. La prima era un'unità sostanziale, legata al genere, lo Stato lì prevaleva sul cittadino. Si era cittadini in quanto appartenenti a quella data etnia (come si direbbe oggi), mentre gli stranieri erano esclusi dalla cittadinanza. Una democrazia teorica la polis, quindi. Tutto diverso nella civitas romana, in cui si era uguali davanti alla legge, a prescindere dall'appartenenza etnica. Qui non contava la provenienza geografica, ma solo il rispetto delle leggi. Di fronte alla legge romana i cittadini erano tutti uguali.

Ultimo aggiornamento Martedì 14 Febbraio 2012 22:18 Leggi tutto...

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