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REPORT: World Energy Outlook 2015 Brussels launch

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This article was originally published on Friends of Europe


The official Brussels launch of the World Energy Outlook 2015 took place during a high-level conference co-organised by Friends of Europe and the International Energy Agency (IEA).

The following is an excerpt from the full report on the World Energy Outlook 2015 Brussels launch.

Ultimo aggiornamento Giovedì 14 Gennaio 2016 19:39 Leggi tutto...

Britain and the EU – a sorry tale of collapsing influence and dishonest debate

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This article was originally posted on www.opendemocracy.net and then on Friends of Europe


Britain’s standing in the EU has never been lower. Over the last decade, the UK’s influence round the summit table has fallen to lows unimaginable even at the worst points of the Tories’ last implosion over Europe in the late 1990s. Day by day Cameron’s pronouncements take Britain ever closer to the exit door, encouraging the British public towards scepticism and Britain’s EU partners towards irritation or, perhaps worse, disengagement from the UK and its endless, ill-informed Little Englander EU debate.


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Scotland and Brexit: shockwaves will spread across EU

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This work has been previously published on Friends of Europe web magazine.


Brussels, 7 January 2016 – We are pleased to present our new in-depth policy paper looking at the upcoming EU referendum in the UK through the lens of Scotland.

The paper written by Dr Kirsty Hughes, Associate Fellow at Friends of Europe, is part of a series of policy discussions on Brexit.

Kirsty Hughes asks what would happen in Scotland if the UK as a whole votes for Brexit while Scotland votes strongly to stay in the EU. Scotland will find itself on the horns of a dilemma – there will be major political and economic costs to leaving the EU, but also significant costs if the rest of the UK is outside the EU while an independent Scotland remains inside, with the EU’s external border then running between England and Scotland.


Ultimo aggiornamento Giovedì 14 Gennaio 2016 17:03 Leggi tutto...

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